Social Networking includes such popular websites as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace etc. However, there are also a lot of smaller niche social networks that are developed for the sole purpose of uniting people for a common interest or purpose. One of those networks that I recently came across was called SparkPeople.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
How Social Networking Can Keep You Healthy?
Social Networking includes such popular websites as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace etc. However, there are also a lot of smaller niche social networks that are developed for the sole purpose of uniting people for a common interest or purpose. One of those networks that I recently came across was called SparkPeople.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Getting Back up After Being Knocked Down
So Most of the time this blog will deal with topics that involve social media, but for now I wanted to stray away from that based on my day. The day started out fine. I continued working on implementing our strategies in social media for our clients and researching new tools that we could use in future campaigns. I mixed that in with a little blog reading, some responding to e-mail and of course stuffing something in my face in the small amount of time that I have. It was around the time that I finished eating that the bomb hit. The bomb was basically a scathing e-mail from a colleague accusing me of acting like I didn't care. Ouch!! That hurt. Sure I have my off days but I never want to be known as someone who doesn't put forth effort and just glides through life, my parents taught me better than that. I had also been where I am long enough for them to know my personality, which for those of you who don't know is very laid back and can sometimes be interpreted as someone who doesn't care. So after re-reading the e-mail a couple times and wrapping around my head around the reasoning he/she felt that I didn't care I decided to take a walk to clear my head. On this walk I got to thinking that here was a chance for me to make a choice that is very common in life. I had been knocked down. Whether this was through a miscommunication or a misjudged perception of my personality it really didn't matter now because it was done. So now I had a choice to make.
- I could either complain and spend my energy on trying to justify to this individual why they were wrong and most likely hold a grudge for some time.
- Or I could make sure that the same mistake never happened again by putting in 110% and making it clear I not only care but I actually care a great deal.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Online Reality Check
One of the best things about the online world is the ability to connect with people who you may not always have the ability to connect with. For me, this means thought leaders in the social media space such as Chris Brogan, Brian Solis and many others whose blogs and Twitter handles I keep an eye on.
This constant interaction can give you a false sense of security that you are actually connected to these people and they care about what you do.
This may be the case eventually, but it takes effort to utilize this connection online to turn it into something more. This became evident this past weekend when I celebrated my 28th birthday.
What happened you ask? Well I received a reality check that I haven't cultivated these relationships enough. I was able to see this because despite being connected through a variety of mediums, not one of them wished me a Happy Birthday. So I started to think about it and decided I had two options. I could either get pissed and give up on my online connections and ignore them, or I could step back and take a look at how I can improve these connections so that next year, hopefully I would have done my job and I will receive some good wishes.
My next step then was to determine how I can improve these relationships. So here is my action plan between now and next April to help improve my network connection values.
- Comment More:This is a simple task that should add another ten minutes to my day, but can pay huge rewards. The more I comment and leave insightful comments the more I am likely to be noticed by not only the blogger themselves but by the bloggers other readers.
- Update More Frequently:One of the best ways to find more people to connect with is through Twitter. However, to increase my followers, I need to provide some sort of value to them. One way to do this is to provide more updates.
- Network more offline:This is probably the hardest step for me to accomplish because I am not what you would consider an outgoing person. I usually have to warm up to you before I can chat your ear off. I need to improve my small talk skills to make introductions with meaning instead of empty conversations.
- Follow Up:This is a combination of the three steps above but basically it just means that when I do make that new connection either offline or online, I follow up and let them know that I value their connection.
If I follow these four steps I hopefully will not only increase the number of friends that I have online but also the value of each relationship I have with them.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Can Personalization be a Bad Thing?
Well one of the main topics of conversation surrounded the new Apple iPad, which was just released prior to this conference. The iPad for those of that might have been living under a rock the past two weeks is Apple's version of a tablet computer. However, instead of it behaving like a traditional computer, it actually acts more like the iphone, with all the latest applications and gadgets available.
There was a number quoted from the conference that there are now over "195,000 applications in the Apple app store." This number brings about the potential for a lot of personalization because not everyone has to download the same application, but instead can pick and choose the ones that matter to them. Now well I myself am guilty of personalization, (I currently have about a dozen plugins running to fit my needs on my browser) I am also wary because if I personalize my experience too much, I run the risk of losing out on the bigger picture.
Personalization Advantages:
- Allows for a better experience: A Personalized experience means it is tailored to the individual so their experience should be more valuable to them.
- Filters out Junk: Let's face it there is a lot of junk out there and by having a personalized experience you know you are only looking at what's important to you.
- Misses the larger picture: The personalization means the knowledge you get is only a small portion of what is going on in the world.
- Connections become harder: If the information is so personalized it will become hard to connect to one another because the information you consumed will be different than anyone else.
So to answer the title of the post, My opinion is that yes Personalization can be a bad thing because you can end up being so personalized that you miss out on the larger picture and could miss an opportunity, but more importantly could miss out on knowledge that will help you advance and stay connected to the world.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
The Siege
Last night I was flipping through the channels on the TV between the Red Sox - Yankees game and the Mets - Phillies game as well as being a good American and even watching a little of the convention speech (Mainly Biden). I came across something on the Sleuth channel, which by the way is one of my favorites and if you get it you chould check it out. On the Sleuth channel was the movie the Siege.
For those of you who have never watched the Siege, a quick synopsis. The basic plot of the movie is the FBI, CIA are working together to catch a group of middle eastern terrorist who are targeting a certain US city for a bombing. The plot thickens when the CIA's "go between" Sharif might actually be involved in the planning of the bomb and the Sheik who they think is behind it was actually funded by the CIA when they were in the Middle East.
The terrorist then strike at One Federal Plaza and the building is blown to bits killing 600 people. The next scene take place at what is left of the building which to me looked eerily similar to another pile of smoldering ruins.
This is not the first attack and so instead of letting the FBI and CIA continue the government decides to impose Martial Law on the city of wait for it ... New York. The Muslim population becomes the target of hate crimes and they are then rounded up in internment camps after the military goes house to house and arrests any muslim between the age of 19-45.
The point of me blogging about this is that it struck me as odd especially when I looked at the date and the movie was actually made back in 1998. a full 3 years before the attacks. The similarities were so similar however, that it was almost creepy.
This scenario makes you wonder if we had another attack if that is something that the government would do. If there is a chance that we could go under martial law. Now I know this movie was Hollywood but in this day in age it kind of makes you wonder.
All of the events in this movie happened because of one little decision by the CIA to fund a Sheik. The Sheik then used the money to train terrorist and eventually the ripple that they created came crashing onto our shores in the shape of the bomb.
If anyone has seen it and has similar comments or disagrees with me please feel free to express your opinion.